
Financial Announcements and Annual Reports

Symbol Company Name Event Name Event Call Time
SGF Service GlobalFootwear Limited Q2 Sunday, August 24
DOL Descon Oxychem Limited Q1 Sunday, September 7
NATF National Foods Limited Q1 Sunday, September 7
ASTL Amreli Steels Limited Q1 Monday, September 8
PNSC Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Q1 Monday, September 8
ISIL Q1 Monday, September 8
GIL Q1 Monday, September 15
WAHN Q1 Sunday, September 7
MFL Matco Foods Limited Q1 Sunday, September 7
ORM Q1 Sunday, September 7
TGL Tariq Glass Industries Limited Q1 Monday, September 1
MACFL MACPAC Films Limited Q1 Monday, September 1
PAKOXY Pakistan Oxygen Limited Q1 Monday, September 1
JLICL Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited Q1 Tuesday, September 2
SPEL Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited Q1 Tuesday, September 2
CHCC Cherat Cement Company Limited Q1 Friday, September 5
EMCO Q1 Friday, September 5
HASCOL Hascol Petroleum Limited Q1 Friday, September 5
UBDL United Brands Limited Q1 Friday, September 5
AASM Q1 Friday, September 5
CTM Colony Textile Mills Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
KAPCO Kot Addu Power Company Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
SAZEW Sazgar Engineering Works Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
MLCF Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
TPLP TPL Properties Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
ILP Interloop Limited Q1 Sunday, September 7
PRL Pakistan Refinery Limited Q1 Sunday, September 7
CLVL Cordoba Logistics & Ventures Limited Q1 Saturday, September 6
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